Explore Catalonia and the Balearic Islands’ Natural Landscapes

Explora els Paisatges Naturals de Catalunya i les Illes Balears  ES

“Explore Catalunya’s Natural Wonders: A Journey Through Breathtaking Landscapes”


When it comes to making the most of the good weather and enjoying nature, nothing beats the experience of exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Catalonia, as well as the islands of Menorca and Mallorca. We propose a series of hiking and cycling guides that stand out for their thoroughness and quality.

One of the most outstanding guides is “Les grans Travesses de Catalunya,” a work distinguished by its thoroughness and depth. Divided into two volumes, this guide precisely details the 10 great crossings of the Catalan region. From the majestic peaks of the Pyrenees to the fascinating historical routes of Occitania, each stage is meticulously described, offering detailed information on the route, accompanied by maps, topographic profiles, and recommendations on signage, transportation, and accommodation.

Explora els paisatges naturals de Catalunya i les Illes Balears

Another notable resource is “Pirineus en família,” a guide specially designed for children and young people, offering 50 ascents and excursions adapted to different ages. From idyllic valleys to majestic summits, each route promises memorable family experiences, providing an excellent opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy unforgettable moments together.

For those who prefer to explore the coast, “La travessa de la Costa Brava” is a must-see option. With 230 kilometers of exceptional views, this guide details the coastal paths and strips, providing a unique experience in contact with the sea and nature. From Portbou to Cotlliure, readers can discover the charms of the Côte Vermeille, while exploring impressive coastal landscapes and enjoying the sea breeze.

La travessa de la Costa Brava

Also, from Andratx to Pollença, along 90 km, unfolds the Ruta de Pedra en Sec or GR 221. This guide for hikers proposes to travel the route in eight stages, divided into sections to facilitate orientation. In each stage, trails, paths, accommodations, and points of interest are highlighted.

Or enjoy Menorca, considered by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve, a gem in the heart of the Mediterranean where cultural and natural values have been exceptionally well preserved. Guided by Sergi Lara, a professional mountain guide, you can explore with all kinds of indications and details the more than 200 km of the GR 223, the historic Camí de Cavalls that circumnavigates all of Menorca.

These are just some of the guides available at Triangle, each offering a unique and enriching experience. If you are interested in enjoying the good weather and connecting with nature, we recommend exploring these comprehensive hiking and cycling guides. You will find them at triangle.cat/guies/senderisme-i-ciclisme, with detailed route descriptions, transportation and accommodation suggestions, as well as signage tips. These guides will accompany you in your search for adventure and discovery in nature.